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  • 10 December 2018
  • 3 min read

How to register with the HCPC and what disciplines are covered

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Are you a physiotherapist, radiographer, social worker, or occupy another role within the health sector? Here's how to register with the HCPC so you can be on your way to getting that job you want.

Here's how to register with the HCPC. This information is valuable for anyone working within healthcare, so read on!

The Health and Care Professions council (HCPC) is the regulatory body for healthcare professionals across a range of health and care disciplines.

It represents an amalgamation of previously separate regulatory bodies.

For example, Social workers in the UK now need to be registered with the HCPC, but until this amalgamation a few years ago, Social workers would have been registering with the General Social Care Council (GSCC), so for social workers who qualified more than 5 or 6 years ago, this may well be the designation that they remember.

Social worker jobs are advertised on .

Also, as part of this amalgamation, an agreement between the HCPC, Social Care Wales, the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) was reached which means that if you are registered with one of these other regulators you are eligible to apply for registration with HCPC.

HCPC registration must be obtained for any of the professions listed here.

Of those, radiographers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and operating department practitioners (ODP) are some of the most popular roles that our clients advertise for.

For ODPs, as there is significant crossover with theatre nurses, candidates can look at for ODP jobs, and for theatre nurse jobs

Our clients will often mix the two roles together and the only thing that separates the two disciplines is the registration: theatre nurses have to be NMC registered, whereas ODPs need to be registered with the HCPC.

Candidates, if they have trained outside the UK will need to ascertain whether their qualification is eligible for European Mutual Recognition (EMR) or not, and if not, they must apply via the International Route.

For physiotherapists who have trained in the EEA or Switzerland, there is something called the European Professional Card, which allows candidates to have their qualification recognised in the UK, but without having to make a paper application.

Basically, it’s an electronic record which acts as an alternative to the paper application procedure other candidates would need to go through.

Now you know how to register with the HCPC, take a look at our health jobs.

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I launched (and subsequently, and in 2008. 500 applications are made every day via our jobs boards, helping to connect hiring organisations recruiting for clinical, medical, care and support roles with specialist jobseekers. Our articles, often created by our own audience, shine a light on the career pathways in healthcare, and give a platform to ideas and opinions around their work and jobs.

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